April 15, 2018

What Are Some Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Alabama?

Pedestrian accidents can happen anywhere and the state of Alabama is no exception. If you or a family member has been involved in this kind of accident in Montgomery, AL, the best steps to take are to stay calm, call a doctor, and consult with a pedestrian accident attorney straight away.

Nonetheless, how do pedestrian accidents happen? Is the fault attributed to the pedestrian or the vehicle driver? What risk factors contribute to the probability of a pedestrian traffic collision happening the next time you’re out walking on a public road? An experienced Alabama pedestrian accident lawyer will be able to answer all of these question for you and more.

Typical Causes of Pedestrian Accidents in Montgomery, AL

The national statistics for pedestrian accidents are alarming. In a preliminary report done by the Governors Highway Safety Organization (GHSA), there were almost 6,000 fatalities for pedestrian traffic accidents in 2017.

Furthermore, in a study conducted by the University of Alabama, traffic accident deaths in the state increased by as much as 25% in 2016, compared to 2015 figures. Included in these deadly collisions are accidents involving pedestrians in Montgomery, AL.

There are several causes for these types of pedestrian accidents, and some of them are listed below:

  1. Alcohol intake. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), up to 48% of fatal pedestrian accidents in 2015 involved either an intoxicated driver or an intoxicated pedestrian. Additionally, 34% of these deadly crashes implicate a pedestrian with a BAC or blood-alcohol concentration of no less than 0.08 g/dl.
  2. Irresponsible use of electronics. People that get hurt in distracted driving accidents in Montgomery, AL involve drivers and pedestrians, both. Many pedestrian accidents occur because the driver has been texting and driving at the same time. Similarly, a pedestrian that uses an electronic device and fails to pay attention to his or her surroundings on a sidewalk or while crossing a road can fall prey to a traffic accident at any second.
  3. Driver speeding. A speeding vehicle may potentially hurt another driver in a vehicle-to-vehicle collision or a pedestrian crossing a street. The risk becomes higher if the pedestrian has not been paying attention as well.
  4. Lack of pedestrian visibility. A speeding driver may not easily see a darkly-clad pedestrian, especially in intersections or unmarked crosswalks at night. This is why the CDC suggests that pedestrians wear retro-reflective clothes and carry a lighted flashlight when walking the streets at night.
  5. Improper use of lanes. Pedestrian accidents can happen when a pedestrian does not use the sidewalk, opting to walk by the roadside instead. This is typical in areas where bike lanes are non-existent so that bikers are forced to use the sidewalk. In turn, the pedestrians are forced into the main road, exposing them to possible accidents.

Ask a Pedestrian Accident Attorney: What Should I Do After an Accident in Montgomery, AL?

Pedestrian Accidents Lawyer in Montgomery, Alabama

Pedestrian accidents can be serious. If you have been injured, reach out to Vance Law Firm for a consultation.

In these kinds of accidents, the fault may rest on either the driver or the pedestrian. Establishing negligence is crucial, as this will determine which party is eligible for recovery. A trustworthy pedestrian accident attorney can help in these crucial cases.

If you have been involved in a vehicle-to-pedestrian collision in Montgomery, AL, there are a few important steps that you can take to ensure safety and a less complicated legal journey later on.

  1. Seek medical help immediately.
  2. Relocate to a safer place on a sidewalk to avoid causing further traffic mishaps.
  3. Report the incident to the police.
  4. Gather evidence of the accident, such as taking photos of the scene.

Although you may also want to call your insurance provider, seeking the help of a trusted pedestrian accident attorney may be a better action to take in certain circumstances.

Admitting fault immediately after pedestrian accidents is one of the crucial mistakes that anyone can make. It is recommended that you speak only through your pedestrian accident attorney when it comes to insurance discussions and out-of-court settlements in Montgomery, AL.

A dedicated pedestrian accident attorney will conduct an immediate investigation into the collision to determine fault. A committed lawyer will also have resources available at his or her disposal to ensure that evidence is obtained at the soonest time and preserved for court presentation when necessary.

Talk to Us at The Vance Law Firm for Your Pedestrian Accidents Compensation Claim in Alabama

If you or a loved one has been hurt in a pedestrian traffic accident in Montgomery, AL, get in touch with one of our lawyers at the Vance Law Firm. Our pedestrian accident attorneys will help you in your compensation claim against a negligent individual so that you can get on with your life at the soonest possible time. Talk to a pedestrian accident attorney now to avail of our free case review in Alabama.  

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