October 9, 2023
personal injury

Dashcams, compact recording devices mounted on a vehicle’s dashboard, are becoming an invaluable tool in establishing liability in traffic accident cases. These cameras continuously record a driver’s journey, capturing potential evidence in real-time. 

For those injured in crashes, dashcam recordings can serve as an unbiased witness, offering a clear, objective account of the incident. If you were hurt in a collision, you can work with a skilled Alabama car accident lawyer to obtain dashcam footage to support your personal injury case and receive fair compensation.

What Are Dashcams?

Dashcams are specialized cameras designed for vehicles, capturing a continuous video feed of your surroundings while driving. Most cars don’t have built-in dashcams — many drivers buy and install them on their own for an extra layer of security.

They are usually placed on a vehicle’s dashboard to strategically record the area in front of the car as it travels. Multi-lens systems can also capture footage from behind the vehicle, allowing for a more comprehensive view. This can help show what occurs when an accident involves a rear-end or tailgating.

What a Dashcam Can Capture to Help Your Claim

In a personal injury claim following a car accident, dashcams can be a silent witness that captures unbiased evidence for your case. Dashcam footage can help clarify accident details and establish liability, proving what occurred and who is at fault.

Here’s what dashcams can typically capture to support your claim:

  • Accident dynamics. Dashcam footage can show the direct sequence of events leading to the collision and offer insights into factors like the speed of the vehicles, braking patterns, and the precise point of impact. These details can clarify who hit whom first and how hard the impact was.
  • Traffic light status. Dashcam footage is invaluable in intersection accidents. For instance, a dashcam can clearly show if you entered an intersection on a green light or if the opposing party ran a red light or made an illegal turn, establishing fault.
  • Weather conditions. A clear video can depict the exact weather conditions at the time of the accident. Whether it was a bright sunny day, a foggy morning, or a rainy evening, the footage can assess if weather conditions played a part in reduced visibility or slippery roads.
  • Road conditions. A dashcam may capture road conditions like potholes, sudden obstructions, faded lane markings, or missing road signs. This can help in understanding if poor road maintenance contributed to the accident.
  • Nearby witnesses. In addition to recording the accident, dashcams can capture bystanders or other motorists who stopped to assist or observe. They could potentially be approached later for testimonies or to act as unbiased witnesses to the event.
  • Driver actions. Dashcam footage can reveal drivers’ behaviors before a crash. It can show if a driver was recklessly overtaking, using their phone, eating, or displaying any other form of distraction. This can be crucial in determining negligence.

Potential Challenges and Limitations of Dashcam Footage

While dashcam footage can be a reliable source of impartial data for your personal injury claim, it does have challenges and limitations. These can include admissibility issues if your case goes to court and privacy concerns.

Not all dashcam footage is automatically accepted in court. Admissibility may depend on the quality and clarity of the footage, the reliability of the device, or how the video was obtained and stored. It could be dismissed as evidence if there’s any doubt about the footage’s authenticity or if it’s deemed to have been tampered with.

Dashcams record continuously, capturing not just accidents but also the everyday activities of unsuspecting individuals. This can raise privacy issues, especially if faces or private actions are identifiable in the footage. In Alabama, dashcams are typically admissible if the footage is recorded on public property, such as a public street or highway. If it captures sound, all parties must have consented before the recording.

Given the nuances and potential pitfalls associated with dashcam evidence, seeking advice from legal experts is crucial when considering its use in your personal injury claims. The experienced attorneys at The Vance Law Firm Injury Lawyers have the knowledge and skill to navigate these complexities and use dashcam footage effectively in your case.

Get Skilled Legal Representation for Your Personal Injury Claim

Using dashcam footage can strengthen your injury claim, providing undeniable evidence supporting your version of events. Having the right team to interpret and present this evidence can improve your chances of securing the compensation you deserve.

Contact our legal team at The Vance Law Firm Injury Lawyers today to schedule a free case review. We can look at your dashcam evidence to determine liability and help you file your auto accident claim against the negligent party.

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