Getting into a car accident is stressful and frustrating. Your vehicle has significant damage, and you could have severe injuries. Immediately after a car wreck, you may be in a state of shock. That may prevent you from getting all the information you need to process an insurance claim. You don’t have to worry about these details if the police arrive on the scene. When police are called to the scene of a car accident, they routinely create an police accident report. This is helpful when you work with a car wreck lawyer. They can use this information to develop your car accident case.
Having a police report also helps to provide all the details of the car accident. The police investigate the crash and write all the details in a police report. You will need to obtain a copy of this report to file a claim with the insurance company. You will also need it if you intend to file a lawsuit against the driver that hit you.
It is relatively easy to obtain a police accident report. You can visit your local police department to receive a copy. Your police department may charge a small fee for the report. Alternatively, you can ask your insurance representative to request the report on your behalf.
You will receive the identification number of your accident report from the investigating police officer. That will allow you to get your report without any problems. Be sure to hold on to this identification number.
Your police accident report will help as you work with an Alabama car accident lawyer to negotiate your insurance settlement. This report will show all the events of the crash as well as provide the results of the police investigation. Much of a police accident report is factual such as the time and location of the accident. Other parts are considered opinion. This is where your car injury lawyers will come into play.
Your Alabama car accident lawyer will review your police accident report to determine the cause of the vehicle crash. This will help them identify if you have a case against a negligent driver. The police accident report will spell out the cause of the accident and who was at fault. It is, therefore, in most cases effective evidence.
Unfortunately, in some instances, the accident report is not considered official evidence in a court case. Small claims cases will allow the submittal of a police accident report in court. However, a court case with a jury will not always accommodate this request. This is because the report includes the opinion of the investigating police officer. The police officer is making a judgment call on whether or not another driver caused your car accident. It may not hold up in court.
You need an Alabama car accident lawyer that will help prove negligence by another driver in your car wreck case. A car wreck lawyer will conduct their own investigation of your car accident. This will provide further evidence as to the cause of the crash. However, the police accident report will be a starting point. It will allow your car injury lawyers direction as to the cause of the accident.
Your car wreck lawyer will use the police accident report when they negotiate with the insurance company. The police accident report becomes a key piece of evidence when working with an insurance company. The insurance company conducts its own investigation of the car accident. Insurance officials will consider the information provided in the police report. If you need to speak with an Alabama car accident lawyer, you will need a copy of the report. This will greatly help your chances of obtaining a settlement.
If involved in a car accident, you need a Montgomery car accident lawyer that you can trust. The car injury lawyers at The Vance Law Firm can help. They will take your case and fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Let Alabama car accident lawyers at The Vance Law Firm work for you. Contact us today to set up a consultation.